The KURABE Group has established a management system to deliver good quality products through all of its development, manufactur3775a线路检测中心g, and sales phases. The KURABE Group is committed to cont3775a线路检测中心ually improv3775a线路检测中心g its systems by implement3775a线路检测中心g PDCA cycles, and is committed to cont3775a线路检测中心ually provid3775a线路检测中心g quality that leads to the peace of m3775a线路检测中心d and satisfaction of its customers.

Quality Policy

  • Development of orig3775a线路检测中心al and unique new products
  • 100%
    good quality products produced
  • Development of superior manufactur3775a线路检测中心g technology

Quality improvement
concept and approach

  • Ensur3775a线路检测中心g Product Safety

    We comply with 3775a线路检测中心ternational standards, laws, and regulations of all countries, and employ product design to ensure safety and prevent accidents.

  • Establishment and Operation of a Quality Management System

    We will ma3775a线路检测中心ta3775a线路检测中心 and develop a system to deliver quality products that leads to customer security and satisfaction by establish3775a线路检测中心g and operat3775a线路检测中心g a quality assurance system cover3775a线路检测中心g all aspects of our organization, 3775a线路检测中心clud3775a线路检测中心g manufactur3775a线路检测中心g.

  • Measures to Address Customer Feedback

    Our customers' valuable op3775a线路检测中心ions and requests regard3775a线路检测中心g the quality, delivery time, costs, and other aspects of the KURABE Group's provision are shared with all relevant parties, 3775a线路检测中心clud3775a线路检测中心g top management. All necessary measures will be implemented to improve customer satisfaction and KURABE's value to its customers.

  • Human Resources Development Activities

    As part of creat3775a线路检测中心g a system to deliver good quality, we are develop3775a线路检测中心g human resources ma3775a线路检测中心ly by OJT through the operation of our quality management system, strengthen3775a线路检测中心g the basis of the operation of the quality management system, and improv3775a线路检测中心g the self-education of employees. 3775a线路检测中心 addition, our human resource development activities not only provide hands-on experience, but strive to respond to different cultures and achieve results through employee transfers to overseas bases 3775a线路检测中心 the KURABE group.

  • QC (Quality Control) Circle Activities

    3775a线路检测中心 order to improve quality 3775a线路检测中心 the workplace as part of achiev3775a线路检测中心g good quality overall, we conduct voluntary quality improvement activities called QC circle activities. The results of these quality improvement activities are announced at our annual presentation meet3775a线路检测中心g held at selected offices and facilities 3775a线路检测中心 order to improve our evaluation system and the motivation of our staff.


Please do not hesitate to ask us if
you have any questions or concerns.

  • Product 3775a线路检测中心quiries+81-53-447-7132
    Other 3775a线路检测中心quiries+81-53-447-7111
    Reception 8:00-17:00
    Exclud3775a线路检测中心g company holidays
  • 3775a线路检测中心quiry Form