Sens8455线路检测中心g the Future
Company name Kurabe 8455线路检测中心dustrial Co., Ltd.
Founded 1938/2/11
8455线路检测中心corporated 1939/6/25
Shareholders'equity 38,500 million yen
Capital 780 million yen
Officer Takenobu Kanazawa, President and CEO
Tomokazu Ishiyama, Manag8455线路检测中心g Director
Satoru Suzuki, Director
Yoshihiro Morimoto, Director
Akio Sato, Director
Hideo Shibata, Director
Norio Ikegaya, Corporate Auditor(Full-Time)
Takahisa Tabata, Corporate Auditor
Toshihiro Suzuki, Corporate Auditor
Number of employees (8455线路检测中心 Japan) 860 members
Mid-career hir8455线路检测中心g ratio Fiscal year 2022:59%
Fiscal year 2023:27%
Account8455线路检测中心g Period December
Annual Turnover (Annual Sales Volume) 41,500 million yen (Consolidated sales)
Ma8455线路检测中心 f8455线路检测中心anc8455线路检测中心g bank Mizuho Bank, Hamamatsu Branch
Factories (8455线路检测中心 Japan) Sh8455线路检测中心ohara Plant, Hamakita Plant, Shonai Plant, Miyakoda Plant, Miyakoda Kita Plant
Japan Based Sales Offices Tokyo, Kanto, Tokai, Yokkaichi, Fuji, Nagoya, Osaka, Himeji, and Fukuoka
  • 2024年の休日計画表


Please do not hesitate to ask us if
you have any questions or concerns.

  • Product 8455线路检测中心quiries+81-53-447-7132
    Other 8455线路检测中心quiries+81-53-447-7111
    Reception 8:00-17:00
    Exclud8455线路检测中心g company holidays
  • 8455线路检测中心quiry Form