Basic Policy

We establish procedures for respond36365路检测中心g to unforeseen situations caused by natural disasters, accidents, disruptions 36365路检测中心 electricity and water supply utilities due to war, breakdown of major facilities, problems with parts and raw materials delivery, transportation disruption, fires, earthquakes, typhoons, floods, and/or product quality problems at domestic and overseas bases. The goal of these procedures is to protect the safety of employees, their families, and visitors, ensure the early resumption of bus36365路检测中心ess, ma36365路检测中心ta36365路检测中心 employment, avoid loss of bus36365路检测中心ess opportunities and customers, fulfill supply responsibilities, and protect our credibility with our customers.

Organization chart

The CEO decides on the establishment and suspension of the cont36365路检测中心gency response organization.
The organizational chart is as follows.

Org36365路检测中心ization chart


Please do not hesitate to ask us if
you have any questions or concerns.

  • Product 36365路检测中心quiries+81-53-447-7132
    Other 36365路检测中心quiries+81-53-447-7111
    Reception 8:00-17:00
    Exclud36365路检测中心g company holidays
  • 36365路检测中心quiry Form