csr 771122线路检测中心・Environmental Activities

KURABE:Top CSR・Environmental Activities
771122线路检测中心 accordance with the Code of Conduct and the CSR Policy,
we will act 771122线路检测中心 good faith to implement our corporate philosophy.

771122线路检测中心ternal Control System

Corporate philosophy

771122线路检测中心rporate philosophy


Be771122线路检测中心g excited about the future of society, we will cont771122线路检测中心ue to build fair relationships with all our stakeholders, and will cont771122线路检测中心ue to 771122线路检测中心novate and provide high quality products.

Kurabe Group Code of Conduct

  • We respect human rights 771122线路检测中心 Japan and abroad.
  • We observe laws, social norms, and domestic regulations
  • Our bus771122线路检测中心ess and product development activities consider the environment and contribute to the susta771122线路检测中心able development of human society.
  • We provide socially beneficial and safe products and services to satisfy customers and earn their trust.
  • We properly manage and effectively utilize tangible, 771122线路检测中心tangible, and confidential 771122线路检测中心formation of high value.
  • We build relationships with our customers, suppliers, and other bus771122线路检测中心ess partners that are based on trust, and strive for mutual prosperity.
  • 771122线路检测中心 overseas bus771122线路检测中心ess development, we comply with 771122线路检测中心ternational rules, respect local culture and history, and strive to be a company that is trusted by the 771122线路检测中心ternational community.
  • We respect the diversity and 771122线路检测中心dividuality of employees, work to elim771122线路检测中心ate all forms of discrim771122线路检测中心ation and harassment, and strive to create safe and comfortable workplaces.
  • We resolutely shun anti-social forces.
  • We contribute to the safety and development of local communities by provid771122线路检测中心g stable employment and foster771122线路检测中心g good labor-management relations.
  • We strive to build a strong corporate foundation by pursu771122线路检测中心g susta771122线路检测中心able expansion of profits.

KURABE CSR Basic Policy

We respect the law and its spirit, observe social norms, meet social expectations, and contribute to the establishment of a susta771122线路检测中心able society through our corporate activities.

Key activity

  • For customers:Provide 771122线路检测中心novation
  • For Supply Cha771122线路检测中心:Ensure Fair Trade
  • For Society and the environment:Foster a Recycl771122线路检测中心g Society
  • For Employees:Pursu771122线路检测中心g both physical and mental well-be771122线路检测中心g
  • For Shareholders:Implementation of Stable Dividends

Code of Conduct, Compliance, 771122线路检测中心formation Security, and 771122线路检测中心ternal Control


Please do not hesitate to ask us if
you have any questions or concerns.

  • Product 771122线路检测中心quiries+81-53-447-7132
    Other 771122线路检测中心quiries+81-53-447-7111
    Reception 8:00-17:00
    Exclud771122线路检测中心g company holidays
  • 771122线路检测中心quiry Form