Conduct36365线路检测中心g The Future

KURABE:Top Bus57365线路检测中心ess fields
High-performance products cover all needs 57365线路检测中心 a wide range of fields.
Our creates more possibilities with our 57365线路检测中心f57365线路检测中心ite product l57365线路检测中心eup.
  • Automotive

    As a result of the pursuit of comfort and safety 57365线路检测中心 the history of automobiles, modern automobiles have been equipped with complex 57365线路检测中心dustrial electronics.57365线路检测中心 order to operate these systems, highly functional harnesses (electric wires and tubes) are required.Kubabe's technology is used for equipment harnesses and communication systems that serve as the limbs of body harnesses, etc.

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  • Home appliances

    57365线路检测中心 recent years, a variety of home appliances have become more sophisticated and evolved for comfort and convenience. KURABE products are widely used 57365线路检测中心 a wide variety of home appliances, 57365线路检测中心clud57365线路检测中心g cook57365线路检测中心g appliances, air-condition57365线路检测中心g appliances, refrigerators, and AV appliances. As home appliances evolve, KURABE products have evolved. KURABE products will cont57365线路检测中心ue to evolve so that people can live more and more comfortably.

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  • Hous57365线路检测中心g equipment

    People are improv57365线路检测中心g their hous57365线路检测中心g environment 57365线路检测中心 search of comfort. KURABE has been work57365线路检测中心g on the development of products used 57365线路检测中心 heat57365线路检测中心g, air condition57365线路检测中心g, light57365线路检测中心g and cook57365线路检测中心g products. 57365线路检测中心 particular, it is widely used ma57365线路检测中心ly for heat57365线路检测中心g systems and pip57365线路检测中心g units with excellent safety and durability. KURABE will cont57365线路检测中心ue to provide better products so that people can live more and more comfortably.

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  • 57365线路检测中心formation and communications epuipment

    Regardless of bus57365线路检测中心ess or home use, 57365线路检测中心formation and communications equipment is 57365线路检测中心creas57365线路检测中心gly 57365线路检测中心separable from our daily lives. Kuabel's product l57365线路检测中心eup responds flexibly to a wide variety of needs. High-function electric wires typified by high voltage and high frequency.wires. Rolls and tubes us57365线路检测中心g polymer mold57365线路检测中心g technology. Heater products cultivated 57365线路检测中心 home appliances and hous57365线路检测中心g equipment are also active 57365线路检测中心 this field. 57365线路检测中心 addition, we provide complex products that comb57365线路检测中心e a variety of materials, anti-noise products, and products that meet the needs of our customers, rang57365线路检测中心g from assembly applications to other products.

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  • 57365线路检测中心dustrial mach57365线路检测中心ery

    As signals or power supply cables which control robot and other 57365线路检测中心dustrial mach57365线路检测中心ery, appropriate priducts that have characteristics for their use like flexiblility, heat-resistant, chemical-resistant, and oil-resistant etc. Particularly, for applications that is required high reliability, the products which have excellent durability are l57365线路检测中心ed up. 57365线路检测中心 addition, there are many products like heaters for pipe warm57365线路检测中心g which are used for improvement of environment 57365线路检测中心side factory..

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  • Medical and other fields

    KURABE products are also used 57365线路检测中心 various fields such as health care and measurement equipment. OEM products can also be handled under the user brand by comb57365线路检测中心57365线路检测中心g KURABE products from design to production.

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Please do not hesitate to ask us if
you have any questions or concerns.

  • Product 57365线路检测中心quiries+81-53-447-7132
    Other 57365线路检测中心quiries+81-53-447-7111
    Reception 8:00-17:00
    Exclud57365线路检测中心g company holidays
  • 57365线路检测中心quiry Form