海外展開における新たなるパラダイム Paradigm Shift in World Wide Corporate Activities (162K)
ポリエステルの水酸基モノマーと樹脂構造(水酸基を含有した分岐モノマーの比較) Reactivity of Polyhydric Alcohols having Three or More Hydroxyl Groups and its Influence on Structure of Polyesters (Comparison among various Polyhydric Alcohols having Three and Four Hydroxyl Groups, i.e. Trimethylolpropane, Pentaerythritol and Glycerol) (390K)
ポリスチレン板を用いた屋外ばくろ耐候性試験の 定量的な評価法に関するジパング カジノ 出 金 条件 Study on Quantitative Evaluation in Outdoor Exposure Weathering Tests using a Polystyrene Panel (487K)
建築用上塗塗料の皮脂による塗膜軟化について Study on Softening of Architectural Paints by Human Sebum from Hands (442K)
塗料の物性評価 Physical Properties of Wet Coating Materials (450K)
地方自治体が定めた色彩ガイドラインに沿った色彩計画 ~湘南と多摩ニュータウンの比較~ Color Scheme Planning complying with Color Scheme Guidelines legislated by each Local Government based on “The Landscape Law” ~Example in Shonan Area and Tama New Town~ (570K)
屋根用高日射反射率塗料「アレスクール」シリーズ ALES COOL” Series, a Coating for Roof Use having High Solar Reflectance (590K)
低汚染弱溶剤可溶型厚膜ふっ素樹脂系中上兼用塗料 「ユニテクト70SF」の開発 “UNITECT70SF”, a Mild Solventborne High Build Anti-staining Coating Based on a Fluoropolymer having Integrated Functions of a Top Coat and a Intermediate Coat (1.3MB)
室内環境配慮型焼付塗料 「アシム(ASHIM*)」の開発 “ASHIM”, a New Thermosetting Coating giving Intensive Care for Indoor Environment *Anti-Sick-House-Ideal-Materials (481K)
「レタンPGハイブリッドエコ」高隠蔽HS原色の開発 “Retan PG Hybrid Eco”, a High Solid Base Coat having Super Hiding Power (384K)
次世代型船底防汚塗料 「タカタクォンタムX-mile (エクスマイル)」の開発 The Next Generation Type of the Anti-fouling Paint , “TAKATA QUANTUM X-mile” (816K)
壁面塗装用ダストレス塗装機の開発 Remote-controlled Dustless Painting System for Large Structure (477M)
主要学協会ジパング カジノ 出 金 条件発表・技術講演実施状況/論文投稿状況 (291K)