国際化時代のジパング カジノ 入金 不要 ボーナスのあり方 Role of R&D in the Global Era (19K)
ポリエステル生成過程の解析 Studies on Reactions during Polyester Formation (137K)
塗膜の粘弾性と洗車機すり傷形態との関連 Relationship between Viscoelasticity and Scratch Morphology of Coating Films (390K)
TEMによるNAD粒子分散安定剤層の観察 Observation of Dispersant Layer on NAD Particle by TEM (274K)
環境・安全に関する規制 PRTR (環境汚染物質排出・移動登録)その2 Regulations on Environmental Protection -PRTR(Pollutant Release and Transfer Register)PART2- (50K)
ダストレス塗装システムとその応用 -自動色見本塗装装置- Dust Free Spray Coating System -Automated Application Equipment for Preparation of Color Sample Sheets- (166K)
PCM用PVCゾル代替可能な厚膜ポリエステル塗料「TH-1000」 “TH-1000,” Polyester Coating for thick film applicattion -Alternative of PVC Sol Coatings for Precoat Metal- (115K)
上塗り・下塗り兼用防食塗料、塗装システム Anticorrosive Coating System having Functions of both Prime and Finish Coat (135K)
塩害・アルカリ骨材反応複合劣化対策塗装システム Concrete Coating System to Prevent Complex Defects by Salt Attack and Alkali-Aggregate Reaction (125K)
弱溶剤可溶で一液常温架橋型の建築用新規NAD樹脂塗料 A New NAD Coating for Architecture -One Package Mild Solvent Thinnable Ambient Temperrature Curing Coating- (138K)
建築用単層弾性塗料「ALESシリーズ」 “ALES SERIES,” Single Layer Elastic Coating for Architecture (76K)